DVB-T Radar - results
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Latitude: 54°N 15' 06"
Longitude:23°E 10' 43"
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FlagCountrych.[MHz]MUXTX nameDistance [km]ERP [kW]Rate
Poland29538MUX-2Suwałki "Krzemianucha" ~20.68820100
Poland43650MUX-1Suwałki "Krzemianucha" ~20.6882069
Poland58770MUX-3Suwałki "Krzemianucha" ~20.6882049
Poland22482MUX-3Białystok "Krynice" ~113.87910021
Poland43650MUX-1Giżycko "Miłki" ~93.49410017
Poland48690MUX-2Giżycko "Miłki" ~93.49410015
Poland50706MUX-3Giżycko "Miłki" ~93.4949013
Poland49698MUX-2Białystok "Krynice" ~113.879677
Poland46674MUX-1Białystok "Krynice" ~113.879586

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